Tot voor kort waren we de rijkste mensen ooit. Sinds het einde van de 20ste eeuw, daalde het inkomen van meer dan 90% van alle huishoudens, ondanks vele pogingen om economische groei te stimuleren.
Ook het toekomstperspectief voor jonge mensen is steeds negatiever geworden. Velen kunnen geen passende baan vinden, en hebben geen perspectief op eigen huis en langdurige carriere.
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Outsourcing - how some countries became (seemingly) efficient
advanced economies
seem to have become much more energy- and resource-efficient during the past decades, emitting far less greenhouse gases per unit of economic output. Unfortunately, the largest part of those improvements exist only on paper, as globalization and the related de-industrialization have driven the "heavy lifting" elsewhere.
Cobb-Douglas, a formula and a principle with limits
The drivers of most economic planning, labor, capital and their productivity, are at the core of the concept described by the Cobb-Douglas production function. Unfortunately, this "unlimited" view has hard limits in energy and resource availability that didn't matter during the 20th century.
Productivity, its components, and its limits
Labor and capital productivity growth was seen as the key driver of growth during the past 250 years. However, we didn't get more productive based on our ingenuity alone, the key drivers were increased energy and resource use with low energy and resource productivity.