Cobb-Douglas, a formula and a principle with limits

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The drivers of most economic planning, labor, capital and their productivity, are at the core of the concept described by the Cobb-Douglas production function. Unfortunately, this "unlimited" view has hard limits in energy and resource availability that didn't matter during the 20th century.

The drivers of most economic planning, Labor, Capital and their productivity, are at the core of the Cobb-Douglas output model. Unfortunately, this "unlimited" concept has hard limits in energy and resource availability.

Cobb-Douglas productivity function

Coming Soon: Almost all economic forecasting is implicitly or explicitly based on the Cobb-Douglas production function, seeing labor capital and their productivity as the core drivers of economic output: We further explain the components of Cobb-Douglas and how they drive all our planning (including the intent of growing population size), and tie them back to their natural resource limits.